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Benefits of Chapter Membership
- Network with local HR professionals
- Gain insights on HR best practices
- Discover local career advancement opportunities
- Earn PDCs for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP recertification
NOTE: Chapter membership expires at the same time as your current SHRM membership, regardless of enrollment date. Any applicable Chapter dues will be prorated based on the number of months remaining on your current SHRM membership.
*This chapter is a 100% membership chapter, which means you must also be a member of the national SHRM organization (
We are a 100% Chapter
What does 100% chapter mean? This means membership in SHRM Guam Chapter requires that you be a member of the SHRM Professional Membership. 100% chapters receive benefits and services that are not offered to non-100% chapters. As a 100% chapter, SHRM Guam Chapter receives financial support from SHRM national so we can pass on this support to you by eliminating the local chapter fee.
Benefits of membership in SHRM Guam Chapter.
Your membership in SHRM Guam Chapter opens a door to a wealth of information and resources 24/7. Our SHRM website brings the most current information about HR issues, trends, court rulings and changes in employment laws that affect how you conduct business. Need more reasons to join our group? How about the discounts to our conference, seminars and workshops. Or if that's not enough, how about the very valuable networking opportunities during our monthly breakfast briefings? Or the opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills by volunteering to be a board member?
- Please highlight US- Territories Guam as your designated chapter.
Thank you for interest in SHRM Guam Chapter and visiting our site.
Yolanda Padrones
SHRM Guam Chapter President, 2023-2025