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    Work-Life Focus 2012 and Beyond

    SHRM National in partnership with the Families & Work Institute (FWI)
    Washington, DC
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    November 8, 2011 to November 10, 2011

    SHRM is pleased and excited to announce a new working partnership with the nation’s pre-eminent resource for workplace flexibility research and information, the Families and Work Institute.

    Together, our organizations create an unmatched powerhouse of information on what may be the most important issue facing the 21st Century workplace. The availability of this new combination of resources and abilities will prove to be a game-changer in the way businesses and government view and support effective and flexible workplaces.

    SHRM Diversity & Inclusion Conference & Exposition

    SHRM National
    Washington, DC
    Event Type:
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    October 24, 2011 to October 26, 2011

    The SHRM Diversity & Inclusion Conference & Expo attracts hundreds of HR professionals from cross-section of business sectors, industry and discipline. They gather each year to learn new practices, collaborate on challenges they face and re-energize and regain focus.

    To read more or register, please click here.

    SHRM Strategy Conference

    SHRM National
    Chicago, IL
    Event Type:
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    October 5, 2011 to October 7, 2011

    The SHRM Strategy Conference is a signature event for top-level HR professionals. The conference delivers senior-level programming and features sessions that focus on developing and executing strategies that are creative, effective and scalable. Collaborate and learn from other industry experts on how to develop strategies that align with organizational goals, mission and brand.

    To read more or register, please click here.

    SHRM 2011 Annual Conference & Exposition

    SHRM National
    Las Vegas Convention Center
    Las Vegas, NV
    Event Type:
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    iCal link
    June 26, 2011 to June 29, 2011

    The next two years will be the turning point for our profession and a vital time for the recovery of our nation. That’s why we have designed the 2011 Annual Conference to offer courses that go beyond anything we have done in the past. The event will feature the largest number of practitioners, strategic business management sessions and health care sessions ever.  We know what the future holds for our profession, and we know that without a plan in place it could mean the difference between boom or bust for the nation.
